About Us

Thought leaders focused on automation and its impact on the future of transportation.  

Our Vision

We understand that transportation isn’t just about vehicles – it affects the quality of communities and the lives of everyone in them. From land use to public safety to the social fabric that connect neighborhoods, we believe that how a city moves impacts everything within it.

Our mission is to help every community reach their transportation goals. With rapid advances in technology and connectivity, we see an achievable transportation future where no person is left out, environmental impact is minimized, and congestion is mitigated.  We have a clear and unique way forward to this desired future that is ready today.


Our Founders

Bern Grush

Author of reports, articles, and a book on vehicle automation. Transportation entrepreneur, patent holder, and 40-year veteran of companies and systems in intelligent imaging, telemetrics for road pricing and parking pricing, and ISO transportation standards.

Jerry Boyer

People, Technology, Entreprenuer and Change Leader – 30+ years leading technology, people and business – Dedicated to bringing workability to people through innovation and solving massive global challenges.

Leaders in New Mobility