
The End of Driving (workshop)

Many cities around the globe ask what automated vehicles will mean for their transit planning, traffic management, infrastructure, and their land use. A decade of unabashed hype has promised “full automation arriving shortly”, but this cannot be right because what will arrive will be constrained to specific areas, roadways, times, distances, weather, and speeds for some time — likely decades.

But automation is coming, and one of many urgent questions we can ask is: What should cities and stakeholders involved in future mobility be aware of and how can they prepare, in spite of the extraordinary uncertainty about the nature, variability, and diffusion of Autonomous Vehicle technology?

The immersive course offered by Harmonize Mobility, “Planning for Autonomous Vehicles: Contexts, Challenges, Opportunities” consists of multiple lecture-plus-discussion modules provided in tailored formats over a two- or three-day period.

The course is designed for transportation, transit, and urban planners seeking to prepare for the design and governance matters associated with a shift away from personal vehicle ownership and toward vehicle automation, digitalized transit systems and increasingly transit-oriented approaches to urban organization.

For more detail on the course, click here.

If you like to learn more, please contact us!